Voreville.com Vore Animtions & Stories
OMG check out the CURVES on this one!!!
posted by johnjohnvv at 12:57 AM
My god people... I don't know what it is but our animations seem to constantly piss people off.
But it's good though, that's pretty much my intention... I'm one of those trouble makers.... :P
PLUS you idiot haters out there make the video even popular by adding your stupid LAME ass comments, so THANK YOU.
It's just a simple little prank, fun, gag... where I created a totally fake plane landing animation. It was just for fun... quick and easy I used ONE stinking photo, some camera shake, and a C-17 that I modelled awhile back and edited all on post. Putting CG on video is easy, but try making one photo into a made up video.
I THOUGHT it would be FUN to just throw it all TOGETHER and make some kind of video that would be like the National Inquirer of video stories. Just by viewing the video, COMON SENSE tells you that it can't be real unless you're metally challenged, which most of the youtube haters are. Fucking retards! Deeeeee dee deeeeeeeeeeeee...
And for fuck sake, even if it's posted as "Amazing Video", get a sense of humor or something you uptight as mother fuckers. What the fuck! It's animation. If someone else had made that clip and it fooled me, I wouldn't be angry and flame the guy, I'd give him props for a great effort. What the fuck is up with people these days.
Ohhh I tricked you did I??? Waaaaaaaaaa... (violin playing) I shattered your momentary hopes of getting an erection from a possibilty that the video MAY be true. Morons...
And what is the pupose of all the negativity in telling someone to kill themselves and shit like that??? FUCK YOU too bitch. Over a stupid video... you're the one's that need to seek the help!
GET THOSE GODDAM sticks out of your asses!
But to those who enjoyed the clip, thanks for your compliments and actual CONSTRUCTIVE criticism! I know there were A LOT of details left out, like sound, smoke, particles, shadows, etc... but like I said, it was a quick throw together. What's even more LAME is all the shit talkers couldn't even rise up to my little challenge. What? No takers? All bunch of lame ass pussies that do nothing but talk. You call it shit, but can you do better in a short amount of time on your home PC?
And lastly... as I expected, I put up a challenge for all you SHIT talkers and I get no takers. Sad... simply sad...
Flame on bitches! Hahaha... I own YOU yet again for getting you to this page!
For those of you new to all of this you can read all the hilarious, retarded comments on the videos here:
posted by johnjohnvv at 2:11 AM
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